C4 Square Dancing Definitions and Reference
Generated from Bill Ackerman's C4 reference books
Alphabetical List of C4 Calls, Concepts and Notions
Include obsolete calls/concepts
- 1/4 Cross, 3/4 Cross
- <anything> and 1/4 More
- 1/4 Wheel to a Diamond etc., 3/4 Wheel to a Diamond etc.
- 12 Matrix, 16 Matrix
- 12 Matrix [Split] [Interlocked] Phantom C/L/W
- 3/4 <ATC> and Trade
- 3x1, etc.
- 3x1 Flip/Cut Diamond
- 3x3, 4x4, etc.
- 4 Phantom Interlocked Blocks
- 6x2
- About
- <anything> the Action
- The Action
- <anyone> Advance to a Column
- All 8 Cross Cycle
- All 8 Cycle and Wheel, All 8 Cycle and Turn and Deal
- <N/4> the Alter
- <N/4> the Alter and Circulate
- Alter the Diamond
- An Anchor, <anything> An Anchor, An Anchor but <anything>
- Anchor <N/4>
- Anchor the <anyone>
- Any Hand
- <anything> and Anything
- Area Code
- Away
- <ATC> Back
- <ATC> Back and Dodge, <ATC> and Dodge
- Bail Out
- Barge the Action
- Barge Thru
- Barrel of Fun
- Beau Tie, Belle Tie
- Beep Beep
- Bias Trade Circulate
- Bits and Pieces
- <anything> the Boat
- Boxsome, <anysetup>-some
- Brace Yourself
- <anyone> Break the Alamo
- Bridge the Gap
- Bring Us Together
- Buckle and <anything>
- By [By] [By]
- <anyone> Bypass
- Cast a Net
- Cast an Anchor
- Cast Away
- Centers Cut Out
- Centers Out, or Put Centers Out
- Centers Thru and Close the Gate, or Put Centers Thru and Close the Gate
- <N/4> Chain and Circulate In
- [Reverse] Change-O
- Change Jays
- Change Lanes
- Change the Apex
- <I-J-K-L> Change the Web
- Change the Web
- Chase the Tag <N/4>
- Cheerio
- Chip Off
- Circle <N/4> to a Wave
- Circle the Tag <N/4>
- Circle to a 2-Faced Line
- <ATC> the Class
- Clean Sweep <N/4>
- Clear Out, <anything> Clear Out
- Clear the Centers for <anything>, Clear the Centers but Cross It for <anything>
- Clear the Way, Clear the Way but Cross It
- Clover Flow
- [Cross] Clover the Horn
- Clover the Wave, <anything> the Wave
- Cloverleaf Turn, Cloverleaf Turn Reaction, Cloverleaf Turn Reactivate, Cloverleaf Turn Nuclear Reaction
- Collapse
- Collisions
- Combining Offset Concepts and Phantom Concepts
- Common Spot
- Complete the Tag
- Concentric Triple Boxes
- Connect the Diamond
- Continue to [Magic] [Cross] Invert
- Contour the Line
- Convert the Triangle
- Cooperate
- Coordinate to a Diamond
- Counteract
- [Cross] Counterpoint
- Countershake
- Cover Up
- Crackle
- [Reverse] Crazy, <N/4> [Reverse] Crazy
- [Reverse] Crazy Phantom C/L/W, <N/4> [Reverse] Crazy Phantom C/L/W
- Create a Column
- Create a Diamond
- Criss Cross the Diamond
- <anyone> Cross
- Cross and Divide
- Cross Breed Thru
- Cross Cloverleaf
- Cross Cycle
- Cross Drop <direction>
- Cross Follow Thru
- Cross Horseshoe Turn
- Cross Linear Cycle
- Cross Sashay
- Cross Scoot and Weave
- Cross the Ocean
- Cross the Top
- Cross to a Diamond, Hourglass etc.
- Cross to a Wave
- Cross Town Roll
- Cross Walk and Dodge
- Crossed Triple Boxes
- Curl Apart
- Curl Thru
- Curli Cross
- Curli Cross the Top
- Curli Pass
- Curli Wheel
- Curlique
- <anyone> Curve <direction>
- Cut Across
- [Reverse] Cut the <formation>
- [Cross] Cy-Kick
- Cycle and <anything>
- Derby
- Detach
- Detract <N>, Detract <anything>
- Deuces Wild
- Diagonal 1/4 Tag, Diagonal 3/4 Tag, etc.
- Diagonal C/L/W
- Diamond
- Diamond Inlet, Diamond Outlet
- Diamond Recycle
- The Difference, Split the Difference, <anything> the Difference
- Distorted
- Divide
- Divide and Pair
- Divvy Up
- Dixie Chain
- Dixie Daisy
- Dixie Derby, Derby
- Dixie Hourglass, Dixie Interlocked Diamond
- Dixie Spin
- [Cross] Double Down
- Double Offset 1/4 Tag
- Double the Wave
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Double Your Pleasure
- Drag the <anyone>
- <ATC> er's Dream/Nightmare
- Dream
- Drift Around
- Easy Does It
- [Reverse] Echo
- Eight Roll Away with a Half Sashay
- Emulate
- Ends Cut In
- E.R.A.
- Erase
- <ATC> Eroo
- Explode the [Cross] Clover
- Explosion
- Face the Music
- Facing Parallelogram, Back-to-Front Parallelogram, etc.
- Fall Into a Column
- Fan and Cross Thru
- Fan Back
- Fan Chain and Circulate In
- Fan Chain and Circulate the Gears
- Fan the Gate, Fan the Gating <anything>
- Fan Thru, Fan and Cross Thru
- Ferris
- Ferris Trade and Wheel
- Fiddle Around
- Finally
- Finish
- <anyone> Finish the Stack
- First Choice, First <anything>
- Firstly, Secondly, Evenly, etc.
- Flare the Star
- [Reverse] Flip the <formation>
- <ATC> er's Flow [but Cross it] [but Criss Cross it]
- Flowing <anything>
- Fly Away, Fly Away and <anything>
- Follow and Cross, Follow and Criss Cross
- Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Follow the Yellow Bricking <anything>
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Follow to a Diamond
- Follow to an Interlocked Diamond, Hourglass etc.
- Fractal
- Fractional Stable
- Fractional Twosome, Twosome Fractional Solid
- Fractions and Parts
- Go First Class
- Grand Cross Roll
- Grand Linear Cycle
- Grand Run Wild
- Grand Spin the Top, Grand Fan the Top
- Grand Switch
- Grand Walk and Dodge
- Grand Working <direction>
- Grand Working <direction>
- Gravitate
- Gruesome Twosome
- Half and Half
- Halfway
- Hammerlane
- Hang a Right/Left
- Hang Loose
- Head Corners, Side Corners
- Headliners, Sideliners
- Here Comes the Diamond, Here Comes the Wave
- Hinge and Circulate <direction>
- Hinge and Trade
- Hinge By <M/4> x <N/4> x ...
- Hinge the Top, Hinge the Lock
- Hit the Wall
- Hoop-De-Do
- [Cross] <anyone> Hop
- Hourglass Inlet, Hourglass Outlet
- In <anything> out <anything>
- In Roll to a Diamond, Out Roll to a Diamond, Zoom Roll to a Diamond,
Here Comes the Diamond, Sock it to the Diamond
- In Roll to a Wave, Out Roll to a Wave, Zoom Roll to a Wave, Here Comes
the Wave, Sock it to the Wave
- In Style
- Initially
- Inner Code
- Inrigger, Outrigger, etc.
- Interlace
- Interlocked Boxes
- Interlocked Parallelogram
- Interlocked Scoot Chain Thru
- Invert
- Isolate
- Jam Thru
- Jay, Left Jay, Back-to-Front Jay, etc.
- <anything> the Key
- <anyone> Kick By <N>
- Kick the Habit
- Lead the Class
- Lead the Way
- Left and Right Thru
- Left On
- Leftrigger
- Lift Off but <anything>
- Like a
- Like a Rigger
- Linear Action but Cross it
- Linear Flow [but Cross it] [but Criss Cross it]
- Lines Walk <direction>
- <anything> the Lock, <anything> the Top, <anything> the Hinge
- [Cross] Lock 'em Up
- Long Trip
- Magic In Roll Circulate, Out Roll Circulate, Zoom Roll Circulate, Here Comes
the Judge, Sock it to Me
- [Cross] Make a Pass, [Cross] Make a Pass but <anything>
- <anyone> Mark Time, Mark Time
- Matrix
- Mayday <direction>
- M.C.P.
- Melded As couples, Melded Tandem
- Melded Siamese
- Melded Skewsome, Melded Skew
- Mesh
- Meta-Concepts
- Mimic (Sue Curtis & Bill Ackerman)
- Mini-Butterfly, Mini-O
- [Cross] Mini Pleasure
- <anyone> Mix and Mingle
- Mix the Deal
- Mix the Deucey
- Mix the Line
- Mix the Turn and Deal
- Mixed Up Square Thru, Mixed Up <anything>
- More or Less, Less or More
- Multiple Formations Working <direction>
- Multiple Formations Working <direction>
- MxN as Couples, MxN Tandem, MxN-some
- Mystic
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] <N> Steps at a Time
- Near Formation, Far Formation
- Nice and Easy
- Nicely
- Nightmare
- Nip and Tuck
- Offset
- Offset Triple Boxes
- Offset Triple Columns/Lines/Waves
- Once Removed
- Open Ups <anything>
- [Left] [Twin] Orbit Circulate
- [Left] [Twin] Orbitboard/Orbitbox/etc.
- Out Roll to a Diamond, Out Roll to a Wave
- Outer Code
- Outpost
- Outrigger
- Overlapped Diamonds, Overlapped C/L/W
- Overlapped Siamese
- [Cross] Pair the Line
- Parallelogram Blocks
- Parallelogram Split Phantom C/L/W
- Pass and Roll the Axle
- Pass and Roll the Yellow Brick Road
- Pass and Roll the Yellow Bricking <anything>
- Pass and Roll Your [Cross] [Criss Cross] Neighbor
- Pass the Top
- Pass to the Outside
- Peel the Deal, Trail the Deal, etc.
- Peel the Wave, Trail the Wave
- Phantom as Couples, Phantom Tandem, Phantom Couples Twosome, etc.
- Phantom Butterfly or O
- [Split] [Interlocked] Phantom Columns, Lines, Waves, Boxes, Diamonds, 1/4 Tags, etc.
- Phantom Interlocked 1/4 Tag (or 3/4 Tag, or Diamonds, etc.)
- Phantom Offset C/L/W
- <anyone> PinWheel
- Pitch <direction>
- The Plank
- Plus <N>
- Pop
- Press for Time
- Presto
- Push Off
- Push Open the Gate
- Quadruple <formation>
- <I-J-K> Quarter the Alter
- <I-J-K> Quarter the Alter and Circulate
- <I-J-K-L> Quarter the Deucey
- Quick Change
- Quick Wrap
- [Reverse] Random
- Randomize
- [Cross] Reactivate to a Diamond, Coordinate to a Diamond
- Reciprocate
- Recount
- Reflect and Revert
- Relay the Diamond
- <I-J-K-L> Relay the Top
- Relay the Yoyo
- Relay Your Pleasure
- Remember the Alamo
- [Cross] Replace the Column [but <anything>]
- Retreat the Line
- Reverse Explode
- Reverse Stack the Line
- Reverse the Diamond
- Rewind
- Ride the Tide
- Right/Left Anchor <N/4>
- Right and Left By [By] [By]
- Right and Left Roll
- Right On <N>, Left On <N>, Right/Left On <N> and <M/4>
- Right Roll The
- Rightrigger
- Rip Saw
- Rip the Line
- Roll Em
- Roll Out the Barrel
- Roll Out to a Column
- Roll the Line
- Roll the Wave
- Rolling <anything>
- Rotary Circulate
- Round and Cross
- Round Off
- Round the Horn
- [Cross] Run Away
- <anyone> Run By <N>
- <anyone> [Cross] Run the Top
- <anyone> Run the Wheel
- Run Wild
- Sandwich
- Sashay Thru
- Scamper
- Scatter
- Scatter Follow to a Diamond, Scatter <anything>
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Scoot Apart
- Scoot the Triangle
- Set Back
- Set Your Pace
- Sets in Motion Plus 1 or 2
- Settle Back
- Shadow <anysetup>
- Shadow Box <anything>, Shadow <formation> <anything>
- [Criss Cross] Shadow the Column
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Shadow to a Diamond
- Shift <N>, Shifty
- Ship Ahoy
- Short 6, Tall 6
- Short and Sweet
- Short Cut
- Short Cycle
- Short Trip
- Shove Off
- Shuffle and Wheel
- Shuffle the Deck
- Shuttle <direction>, Shuttle <anything>
- Siamese Breakdown
- Single
- [Grand] Single [Cross] Concentric
- Single File
- Single Hinge and Circulate <direction>
- Single Hinge and Trade
- Single Scoot and Trade
- Single Shuffle
- Skew, Skewsome
- Slim Down
- Snag, Snag the <anyone>
- Snag Circulate
- Snake
- Snap
- Snap Back
- Snap, Crackle, and Pop
- Snap the Diamond
- Snap the Tag <N/4>
- Sock it to the Diamond, Sock it to the Wave
- Soft Touch, Soft <anything>
- <ATC> and Spin <direction>, <ATC> and Spin <anything>
- Spin a Wheel
- Spin Back, Fan Back
- Spin Chain and Anything
- Spin Chain and Circulate In, Fan Chain and Circulate In
- Spin Chain and Circulate the Gears, Fan Chain and Circulate the Gears
- Spin Chain the Star
- Spin Tag the Deucey [<direction>]
- Spin the Yoyo
- Splash <direction>, Splash <anything>
- Split and Cross
- Split Cast, Split Cast <N/4>
- Split Ping-Pong Circulate
- Split the Difference
- Square Out
- Square the Barge, Square the Barge <N/4>
- Square the Barge the Action, Square the Barge <N/4> the Action
- Square The Bases Plus 2
- Square Turn Thru <N>
- Stack the Wheel
- Standard
- Star to a Wave
- Step and <anything>
- Step Lively
- Straight
- [Cross] Straight Away [but <anything>]
- Straight Fire
- Stretched <anysetup>
- Stretched Split Phantom C/L/W/Boxes
- Strike Out
- Stroll and Cycle, Stroll <anything>
- Stroll Down the Lane
- Substitute
- Supercalls
- [Reverse] [Cross] Swap the Windmill
- Swat the Flea
- Sweeping <anything>
- Swing About
- <anyone> Swing Across
- Swing and Cross
- Swing Back
- Swing Chain Thru, etc.
- Swing to a Column
- Switch Back
- Switcheroo
- <anyone> [Cross] Swivel
- Tag Circulate
- Tag the Star <N/4>
- Tall 6
- Tap the <anyone>
- Teacup Like a Daisy Chain
- Tickle
- [Cross] <anyone> Tie
- Tip Toe, Tip Toe Thru the Tulips
- <ATC> to a Diamond / Interlocked Diamond, Hourglass, Z
- Touch and Go <M/4> x <N/4>, Touch and Go <M/4> x <anything>, etc.
- Touch of Class
- Touch Tone <M/4> x <N/4>
- Tow Truck
- [Interlocked] Trace
- Track and Trade, Track and <anything>
- Track <N>
- [Cross] Trade Your Neighbor [<direction>]
- Trail and Peel
- Trail Chain Thru
- Trail The Top, Trail <anything>
- Transaction, Transactivate, Trans <anything>
- Triangle
- Triangular Boxes
- Trim the Web
- Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple <formation>
- Triple Cast
- Triple Play <anything>
- Triple Turn, Triple Wheel
- Triple Twin C/L/W
- Trixie, Trixie Spin
- Tunnel <direction>, Tunnel <anything>, Tunnel Thru
- Turn and Flip
- Turn and Left Thru
- Turn and Q, Split Turn and Q
- Turn and Weave
- Turn Away
- Turn By
- Turn On
- Turnover
- Turntable
- Twice Removed, Thrice Removed
- Twin <anysetups>
- Twin parallelograms
- Twin Phantom Diamonds (or 1/4 Tags, or 3/4 Tags, etc.)
- Twin Phantom Tidal C/L/W
- Twisted
- Veer and Turn <M/4> x <N/4>
- Veering <anything>
- Vertical Turn and Deal
- Walk Out to a Column
- Walk the [Cross] Clover
- Walk the Plank, <anything> the Plank
- <anything> the Wave
- Wheel Fan and Cross Thru
- Wheel to a Diamond / Interlocked Diamond, Hourglass, Z
- Wheel to a Line
- Who's On First
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Wind the Bobbin
- Wipe Out
- With Finesse
- With Magnetism
- <ATC> the Yellow Brick Road, <ATC> the Yellow Bricking
- You All
- <ATC> Your [Cross] [Criss Cross] Neighbor
- Yoyo
- Z C/L/W
- <anyone> Zing <N>
- Zip the Top
- <anyone> Zoom <N>
- Zoom Roll Circulate
- Zoom Roll to a Diamond, Zoom Roll to a Wave
Book 1: C4 Calls
Introduction to the C4 Reference Books
Formations and Terminology
New Taggers
The "but" Convention
Include obsolete calls
- <N/4> the Alter
- <I-J-K> Quarter the Alter
- <N/4> the Alter and Circulate
- <I-J-K> Quarter the Alter and Circulate
- <N/4> Chain and Circulate In
- 1/4 Cross, 3/4 Cross
- <I-J-K-L> Change the Web
- <I-J-K-L> Quarter the Deucey
- <I-J-K-L> Relay the Top
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] <N> Steps at a Time
- 1/4 Wheel to a Diamond etc., 3/4 Wheel to a Diamond etc.
- <anyone> Advance to a Column
- <anyone> Bypass
- <anyone> Cross
- <ATC> and Spin <direction>, <ATC> and Spin <anything>
- <ATC> Back
- <ATC> er's Dream/Nightmare
- 3/4 <ATC> and Trade
- <ATC> Back and Dodge, <ATC> and Dodge
- <ATC> the Class
- <ATC> er's Flow [but Cross it] [but Criss Cross it]
- <ATC> Eroo
- <ATC> to a Diamond / Interlocked Diamond, Hourglass, Z
- <ATC> Your [Cross] [Criss Cross] Neighbor
- <ATC> the Yellow Brick Road, <ATC> the Yellow Bricking
- <anything> and 1/4 More
- <anything> and Anything
- <anything> the Action
- <anything> the Boat
- <anything> the Key
- <anything> the Lock, <anything> the Top, <anything> the Hinge
- <anything> the Wave
- 3x1 Flip/Cut Diamond
- About
- All 8 Cross Cycle
- All 8 Cycle and Wheel, All 8 Cycle and Turn and Deal
- Alter the Diamond
- An Anchor, <anything> An Anchor, An Anchor but <anything>
- Anchor <N/4>
- Area Code
- Away
- Bail Out
- Barge the Action
- Barge Thru
- Barrel of Fun
- Beau Tie, Belle Tie
- Beep Beep
- Bias Trade Circulate
- Bits and Pieces
- Brace Yourself
- <anyone> Break the Alamo
- Bridge the Gap
- Bring Us Together
- Buckle and <anything>
- By [By] [By]
- Cast a Net
- Cast an Anchor
- Cast Away
- Centers Cut Out
- Centers Out, or Put Centers Out
- Centers Thru and Close the Gate, or Put Centers Thru and Close the Gate
- Change Jays
- Change Lanes
- [Reverse] Change-O
- Change the Apex
- Change the Web
- Chase the Tag <N/4>
- Cheerio
- Chip Off
- Circle to a 2-Faced Line
- Circle <N/4> to a Wave
- Circle the Tag <N/4>
- Clean Sweep <N/4>
- Clear Out, <anything> Clear Out
- Clear the Centers for <anything>, Clear the Centers but Cross It for <anything>
- Clear the Way, Clear the Way but Cross It
- Clover Flow
- Cross Cloverleaf
- [Cross] Clover the Horn
- Clover the Wave, <anything> the Wave
- Cloverleaf Turn, Cloverleaf Turn Reaction, Cloverleaf Turn Reactivate, Cloverleaf Turn Nuclear Reaction
- Collapse
- Complete the Tag
- Connect the Diamond
- Continue to [Magic] [Cross] Invert
- Contour the Line
- Convert the Triangle
- Cooperate
- Coordinate to a Diamond
- Counteract
- [Cross] Counterpoint
- Countershake
- Cover Up
- Crackle
- Create a Column
- Create a Diamond
- Criss Cross the Diamond
- Cross and Divide
- Cross Breed Thru
- Cross Cycle
- Cross Drop <direction>
- Cross Follow Thru
- Cross Horseshoe Turn
- Cross Linear Cycle
- Cross Sashay
- Cross Scoot and Weave
- Cross the Ocean
- Cross the Top
- Cross to a Diamond, Hourglass etc.
- Cross to a Wave
- Cross Town Roll
- Cross Walk and Dodge
- Curl Apart
- Curl Thru
- Curlique
- Curli Cross
- Curli Cross the Top
- Curli Wheel
- Curli Pass
- <anyone> Curve <direction>
- Cut Across
- [Reverse] Cut the <formation>
- Cycle and <anything>
- [Cross] Cy-Kick
- Derby
- Detach
- Detract <N>, Detract <anything>
- Deuces Wild
- Diamond Inlet, Diamond Outlet
- Diamond Recycle
- Divide
- Divide and Pair
- Divvy Up
- Dixie Chain
- Dixie Daisy
- Dixie Derby, Derby
- Dixie Hourglass, Dixie Interlocked Diamond
- Dixie Spin
- [Cross] Double Down
- Double the Wave
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Double Your Pleasure
- Dream
- Drift Around
- Easy Does It
- Eight Roll Away with a Half Sashay
- Ends Cut In
- E.R.A.
- Erase
- Explode the [Cross] Clover
- Explosion
- Face the Music
- Fall Into a Column
- Fan and Cross Thru
- Fan Back
- Fan Chain and Circulate In
- Fan Chain and Circulate the Gears
- Fan the Gate, Fan the Gating <anything>
- Fan Thru, Fan and Cross Thru
- Ferris Trade and Wheel
- Fiddle Around
- <anyone> Finish the Stack
- First Choice, First <anything>
- Flare the Star
- [Reverse] Flip the <formation>
- Flowing <anything>
- Fly Away, Fly Away and <anything>
- Follow and Cross, Follow and Criss Cross
- Follow the Yellow Brick Road, Follow the Yellow Bricking <anything>
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Follow to a Diamond
- Follow to an Interlocked Diamond, Hourglass etc.
- Go First Class
- Grand Cross Roll
- Grand Linear Cycle
- Grand Run Wild
- Grand Spin the Top, Grand Fan the Top
- Grand Switch
- Grand Walk and Dodge
- Gravitate
- Hammerlane
- Hang a Right/Left
- Hang Loose
- Here Comes the Diamond, Here Comes the Wave
- Hinge and Circulate <direction>
- Hinge and Trade
- Hinge By <M/4> x <N/4> x ...
- Hinge the Top, Hinge the Lock
- Hit the Wall
- Hoop-De-Do
- [Cross] <anyone> Hop
- Hourglass Inlet, Hourglass Outlet
- In Roll to a Diamond, Out Roll to a Diamond, Zoom Roll to a Diamond,
Here Comes the Diamond, Sock it to the Diamond
- In Roll to a Wave, Out Roll to a Wave, Zoom Roll to a Wave, Here Comes
the Wave, Sock it to the Wave
- Inner Code
- In Style
- Interlocked Scoot Chain Thru
- Isolate
- Jam Thru
- <anyone> Kick By <N>
- Kick the Habit
- Lead the Class
- Lead the Way
- Left and Right Thru
- Left On
- Lift Off but <anything>
- Like a Rigger
- Linear Action but Cross it
- Linear Flow [but Cross it] [but Criss Cross it]
- Lines Walk <direction>
- [Cross] Lock 'em Up
- Long Trip
- Magic In Roll Circulate, Out Roll Circulate, Zoom Roll Circulate, Here Comes
the Judge, Sock it to Me
- [Cross] Make a Pass, [Cross] Make a Pass but <anything>
- <anyone> Mark Time, Mark Time
- Mayday <direction>
- M.C.P.
- Mesh
- [Cross] Mini Pleasure
- <anyone> Mix and Mingle
- Mix the Deal
- Mix the Deucey
- Mix the Turn and Deal
- Mix the Line
- Mixed Up Square Thru, Mixed Up <anything>
- Nice and Easy
- Nicely
- Nightmare
- Nip and Tuck
- Open Ups <anything>
- [Left] [Twin] Orbit Circulate
- Out Roll to a Diamond, Out Roll to a Wave
- Outer Code
- Outpost
- [Cross] Pair the Line
- Pass and Roll the Axle
- Pass and Roll the Yellow Brick Road
- Pass and Roll the Yellow Bricking <anything>
- Pass and Roll Your [Cross] [Criss Cross] Neighbor
- Pass the Top
- Pass to the Outside
- Peel the Deal, Trail the Deal, etc.
- Peel the Wave, Trail the Wave
- <anyone> PinWheel
- Pitch <direction>
- Plus <N>
- Pop
- Press for Time
- Presto
- Push Off
- Push Open the Gate
- Quick Change
- Quick Wrap
- [Cross] Reactivate to a Diamond, Coordinate to a Diamond
- Reciprocate
- Recount
- Relay the Diamond
- Relay the Yoyo
- Relay Your Pleasure
- Remember the Alamo
- [Cross] Replace the Column [but <anything>]
- Retreat the Line
- Reverse Explode
- Reverse Stack the Line
- Reverse the Diamond
- Ride the Tide
- Right/Left Anchor <N/4>
- Right and Left By [By] [By]
- Right and Left Roll
- Right On <N>, Left On <N>, Right/Left On <N> and <M/4>
- Right Roll The
- Rip Saw
- Rip the Line
- Roll Em
- Rolling <anything>
- Roll Out the Barrel
- Roll Out to a Column
- Roll the Line
- Roll the Wave
- Rotary Circulate
- Round and Cross
- Round Off
- Round the Horn
- [Cross] Run Away
- <anyone> Run By <N>
- <anyone> [Cross] Run the Top
- <anyone> Run the Wheel
- Run Wild
- Sashay Thru
- Scamper
- Scatter Follow to a Diamond, Scatter <anything>
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Scoot Apart
- Scoot the Triangle
- Set Back
- Set Your Pace
- Sets in Motion Plus 1 or 2
- Settle Back
- Shadow Box <anything>, Shadow <formation> <anything>
- [Criss Cross] Shadow the Column
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Shadow to a Diamond
- Ship Ahoy
- Short and Sweet
- Short Cut
- Short Cycle
- Short Trip
- Shove Off
- Shuffle and Wheel
- Shuffle the Deck
- Shuttle <direction>, Shuttle <anything>
- Siamese Breakdown
- Single Hinge and Trade
- Single Hinge and Circulate <direction>
- Single Scoot and Trade
- Single Shuffle
- Slim Down
- Snag Circulate
- Snake
- Snap
- Snap, Crackle, and Pop
- Snap Back
- Snap the Diamond
- Snap the Tag <N/4>
- Sock it to the Diamond, Sock it to the Wave
- Soft Touch, Soft <anything>
- Spin a Wheel
- Spin Back, Fan Back
- Spin Chain and Anything
- Spin Chain and Circulate In, Fan Chain and Circulate In
- Spin Chain and Circulate the Gears, Fan Chain and Circulate the Gears
- Spin Chain the Star
- Spin Tag the Deucey [<direction>]
- Spin the Yoyo
- Splash <direction>, Splash <anything>
- Split and Cross
- Split Cast, Split Cast <N/4>
- Split Ping-Pong Circulate
- Split the Difference
- Square Out
- Square the Barge, Square the Barge <N/4>
- Square the Barge the Action, Square the Barge <N/4> the Action
- Square The Bases Plus 2
- Square Turn Thru <N>
- Stack the Wheel
- Star to a Wave
- Step and <anything>
- Step Lively
- [Cross] Straight Away [but <anything>]
- Straight Fire
- Strike Out
- Stroll and Cycle, Stroll <anything>
- Stroll Down the Lane
- [Reverse] [Cross] Swap the Windmill
- Substitute
- Swat the Flea
- Sweeping <anything>
- Swing About
- <anyone> Swing Across
- Swing and Cross
- Swing Back
- Swing Chain Thru, etc.
- Swing to a Column
- Switch Back
- Switcheroo
- <anyone> [Cross] Swivel
- Tag Circulate
- Tag the Star <N/4>
- Tap the <anyone>
- Teacup Like a Daisy Chain
- The Action
- The Difference, Split the Difference, <anything> the Difference
- The Plank
- Tickle
- [Cross] <anyone> Tie
- Tip Toe, Tip Toe Thru the Tulips
- Touch and Go <M/4> x <N/4>, Touch and Go <M/4> x <anything>, etc.
- Touch of Class
- Touch Tone <M/4> x <N/4>
- Tow Truck
- Track <N>
- Track and Trade, Track and <anything>
- [Cross] Trade Your Neighbor [<direction>]
- Trail and Peel
- Trail Chain Thru
- Trail The Top, Trail <anything>
- Transaction, Transactivate, Trans <anything>
- Trim the Web
- Triple Cast
- Triple Play <anything>
- Triple Turn, Triple Wheel
- Trixie, Trixie Spin
- Tunnel <direction>, Tunnel <anything>, Tunnel Thru
- Turn and Flip
- Turn and Left Thru
- Turn and Q, Split Turn and Q
- Turn and Weave
- Turn Away
- Turn By
- Turn On
- Turnover
- Turntable
- Veer and Turn <M/4> x <N/4>
- Veering <anything>
- Vertical Turn and Deal
- Walk Out to a Column
- Walk the [Cross] Clover
- Walk the Plank, <anything> the Plank
- Wheel Fan and Cross Thru
- Wheel to a Diamond / Interlocked Diamond, Hourglass, Z
- Wheel to a Line
- [Cross] [Criss Cross] Wind the Bobbin
- Who's On First
- Wipe Out
- With Finesse
- With Magnetism
- You All
- <anyone> Zing <N>
- Zip the Top
- <anyone> Zoom <N>
- Zoom Roll Circulate
- Zoom Roll to a Diamond, Zoom Roll to a Wave
Book 2: C4 Concepts
Include obsolete concepts
- 12 Matrix, 16 Matrix
- 12 Matrix [Split] [Interlocked] Phantom C/L/W
- 4 Phantom Interlocked Blocks
- 6x2
- MxN as Couples, MxN Tandem, MxN-some
- Anchor the <anyone>
- Any Hand
- Boxsome, <anysetup>-some
- Common Spot
- Concentric Triple Boxes
- [Reverse] Crazy, <N/4> [Reverse] Crazy
- [Reverse] Crazy Phantom C/L/W, <N/4> [Reverse] Crazy Phantom C/L/W
- Crossed Triple Boxes
- Diagonal C/L/W
- Diagonal 1/4 Tag, Diagonal 3/4 Tag, etc.
- Diamond
- Distorted
- Double Offset 1/4 Tag
- Drag the <anyone>
- [Reverse] Echo
- Emulate
- Facing Parallelogram, Back-to-Front Parallelogram, etc.
- Ferris
- Finally
- Finish
- Firstly, Secondly, Evenly, etc.
- Fractal
- Fractional Stable
- Fractional Twosome, Twosome Fractional Solid
- Grand Working <direction>
- Gruesome Twosome
- Half and Half
- Halfway
- Headliners, Sideliners
- Head Corners, Side Corners
- In <anything> out <anything>
- Initially
- Inrigger, Outrigger, etc.
- Interlace
- Interlocked Boxes
- Interlocked Parallelogram
- Invert
- Jay, Left Jay, Back-to-Front Jay, etc.
- Leftrigger
- Like a
- Matrix
- Melded As couples, Melded Tandem
- Melded Siamese
- Melded Skewsome, Melded Skew
- Meta-Concepts
- Mini-Butterfly, Mini-O
- More or Less, Less or More
- Multiple Formations Working <direction>
- Mystic
- Near Formation, Far Formation
- Offset
- Offset Triple Boxes
- Offset Triple Columns/Lines/Waves
- Once Removed
- [Left] [Twin] Orbitboard/Orbitbox/etc.
- Outrigger
- Overlapped Diamonds, Overlapped C/L/W
- Overlapped Siamese
- Parallelogram Blocks
- Parallelogram Split Phantom C/L/W
- [Split] [Interlocked] Phantom Columns, Lines, Waves, Boxes, Diamonds, 1/4 Tags, etc.
- Phantom as Couples, Phantom Tandem, Phantom Couples Twosome, etc.
- Phantom Interlocked 1/4 Tag (or 3/4 Tag, or Diamonds, etc.)
- Phantom Butterfly or O
- Phantom Offset C/L/W
- Quadruple <formation>
- [Reverse] Random
- Randomize
- Reflect and Revert
- Rewind
- Rightrigger
- Sandwich
- Scatter
- Shadow <anysetup>
- Shift <N>, Shifty
- [Grand] Single [Cross] Concentric
- Short 6, Tall 6
- Single File
- Skew, Skewsome
- Snag, Snag the <anyone>
- Standard
- Straight
- Stretched <anysetup>
- Stretched Split Phantom C/L/W/Boxes
- Tall 6
- [Interlocked] Trace
- Triangle
- Triangular Boxes
- Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple <formation>
- Triple Twin C/L/W
- Twice Removed, Thrice Removed
- Twin <anysetups>
- Twin parallelograms
- Twin Phantom Tidal C/L/W
- Twin Phantom Diamonds (or 1/4 Tags, or 3/4 Tags, etc.)
- Twisted
- Yoyo
- Z C/L/W
Other Concepts
- Mimic (Sue Curtis & Bill Ackerman)
Automatically generated from the latex source of Bill Ackerman's
C4 Calls,
C4 Concepts and
Miscellaneous C4 Notions books, Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014 William B. Ackerman. Permission is granted to make and redistribute non-commercial verbatim copies of this document.
Latex parser by Dana Scott, dscott -at- alum -dot- mit -dot- edu.