Rotary Circulate
From waves: Leads extend and 1/4 to handhold (that is, 1/2 Split Circulate), Circulate twice
around the outside, and Drop In, while the trailers extend, hinge, Circulate twice in the center, hinge, and Extend or
Drop In.
A little analysis will show that this is a Follow Thru, Couples Circulate twice, and natural 1/2 tag. Or Tandem Twosome
Hinge, Couples Circulate twice, and Couples Twosome Hinge. Imagining that you are taking hands during the Couples
Circulate (or actually doing so, though some people dislike that) may help you maintain your orientation.
This call is a Circulate variant, so one can hear things like "Rotary Percolate". Try not to confuse this with a
Rotary Spin variant such as "Rotary Mix".