More or Less, Less or More
On More or Less, leaders do the call and then "more". Trailers do
"less" of the call. Leaders and trailers are identified in the
usual way, even if that has nothing to do with the logic of the call.
It is the
original leaders and trailers.
On Less or More, the roles are reversed — leaders do less. In all cases the leaders
do the first named action and trailers do the second.
"More" always means Roll. "Less" is not so precisely defined. It typically
means "N-1 Stable", that is, omit the last 1/4 turn. So, for example, on a Sidetrack,
the "more" people Roll a second time, while the "less" people omit the Roll
that is part of the call.
However, the "less" action is not so precisely defined as that, for
this is an old concept. On calls like Trail Off or Peel and Trail,
"less" can apply to the trailers, who would normally (left shoulder)
trade. If More or Less is given, they do 1/2 of a (left shoulder)
Trade, that is, a Left Hinge.