
Concepts like Initially are called meta-concepts. They operate on a concept rather than a call, causing that concept to be applied in the indicated way, or to the indicated parts of the call. The result of applying a meta-concept and concept to a call has the same number of parts as the original call.

When meta-concepts that pick out parts of a call are nested, that is, two meta-concepts operate on a concept and a call, they nest their actions of picking out parts. That is, they pick out a part, and then pick out a subpart of that part. "Initially Finally Cross Concentric Settle Back" picks out the first part as though it is doing "Initially (Finally Cross Concentric) Settle Back". That part is 1/2 Reset. It then applies "Finally Cross Concentric" to that 1/2 Reset, picking out the last part and causing the Hinge to be be Cross Concentric.