The centers and the ends each have 2 parts — the 2 "O" Circulates
count as one part, though that part may be further subdivided.
The "usual" setup for this is some kind of lines. However, it is
an extremely versatile call, and is commonly used with interesting modifications,
such as centers (or ends, or everyone) work Reverse Order, or
Snag someone, etc.
before Initially Central Bits and Pieces
This can also also be called when the centers are all facing in or all facing out.
If they are facing in, the Peel and Trail is changed to a "Touch; Lockit; Lockit".
If they are facing out, it is changed to a "U-Turn Back; Touch".
You can think of this as doing your own part of Peel and Trail, and taking
right hands upon colliding, but be aware that the actual call Peel and Trail
has no such provision.