12 Matrix, 16 Matrix

In addition to being phrases to describe a formation (as in "12 Matrix 3x3 Follow Your Leader" from parallelogram waves), these are concepts in their own right. They date from a time when concepts were less rigorously defined than they are now, and people just had to know how to do various 12 Matrix calls. In modern terminology, they could be defined as "Piecewise Triple/Quadruple Formations Working Forward/Together". Once one gets accustomed to them, 12 Matrix calls have a very natural feel, without the intimidating aspects of Multiple Formations Working <direction>.

The fundamental call is 12 Matrix (or 16 Matrix) Circulate. It follows the rules completely naturally, with the special definition that you are a trailer (and hence walk straight ahead) if there is any spot in front of you. People in the center line are considered to be trailers.

\sxvBBBstwelve{b4s,g4n,b5s,g5n,b6s,g6n} \sxvBBBstwelve{b3s,g5n,b4s,g6n,b5s,g1n}
4 1 4 1 5 2 5 2 6 3 6 3 3 6 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 1 4
before 12 Matrix Circulate after

\sxvBBBstwelve{b4s,g4n,b5s,g5n,b6s,g6n} \sxvBBBstwelve{g4s,g5n,b4s,g6n,b5s,b6n}
4 1 4 1 5 2 5 2 6 3 6 3 4 1 5 2 4 1 6 3 5 2 6 3
before 12 Matrix Split Circulate after

Calls that normally have N stars will have N+1 stars with 12 Matrix and N+2 with 16 Matrix.

\sxvBBBs{b3s,g3n,.+.,g4n,b4s,.+.} \syhtridiamonds{.+.,b2w,g3n,b3e,g2s,.+.}
3 1 3 1 + + 4 2 4 2 + + + + 2 4 3 1 3 1 2 4 + +
before 12 Matrix Alter and Circulate Trade, U-Turn Back, Cast 3/4
\syhtridiamonds{g3s,b2w,g4n,.+.,.+.,b3w} \syhtridiamonds{g4s,.+.,g3n,b2e,.+.,b1w} \sxvBBBs{b2n,g3s,b3n,.+.,.+.,g2s}
3 1 2 4 4 2 + + + + 3 1 4 2 + + 3 1 2 4 + + 1 3 2 4 3 1 3 1 + + + + 2 4
center 4 Trade, ends Circulate turn diamonds finished

\sxvBBBs{b3s,.+.,g3s,g2n,.+.,b2n} \sxvBBBs{.+.,g2n,b3s,b2n,g3s,.+.}
3 1 + + 3 1 2 4 + + 2 4 + + 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 + +
before 12 Matrix Motivate Circulate
\syhtwmstar{g1e,.+.,g2e,.+.,b4w,b1n} \syhtwmstar{.+.,g1w,b4e,b1s,g2w,.+.} \sxvBBBs{.+.,g1n,b1s,g2n,.+.,b2n}
1 3 + + 2 4 + + 4 2 1 3 + + 1 3 4 2 1 3 2 4 + + + + 1 3 1 3 2 4 + + 2 4
Cast 3/4, 1/2 Circulate turn stars, ends trade finished

Here's a tricky application. Drift Apart, from lines, is defined as trailing centers Circulate and then Cross Over Circulate, while the lead centers Cross Over Circulate and then Circulate. The ends do two Split Circulates. Those all turn into various kinds of 12 Matrix Circulates.

\sxvBBBs{.+.,.+.,b3s,b2n,g4s,g1n} \sxvBBBs{g1n,.+.,.+.,g4n,b4n,b3n}
+ + + + 3 1 2 4 4 2 1 3 1 3 + + + + 4 2 4 2 3 1
before 12 Matrix Drift Apart after