[Reverse] Echo
This is a meta-concept, that is, it applies to a concept. It causes
the concept to be applied to the call in the usual way, and then the
call to be performed without the concept. Reverse Echo performs the
call first without the concept, and then with the concept.
Any application of Echo has two parts.
Echo 2/3, Recycle — do a 2/3 Recycle, followed by a full Recycle.
Reverse Echo 2/3, Recycle — do a Recycle, followed by a 2/3 Recycle.
Applications of Echo can be extremely difficult, particularly when
used with other meta-concepts or with supercalls. For example,
"Initially Echo 1/2, Settle Back" applies "Echo 1/2" to the first part,
which is Reset 1/2. So the actions are:
Reset 1/4 (that's 1/2 of the first part)
Reset 1/2 (the complete first part)
centers Cross Back while the ends do 2 O Circulates
Echo Tally Ho but Flip Back is an application with a supercall. It is
Tally Ho but Flip Back followed by another Flip Back.