Magic In Roll Circulate, Out Roll Circulate, Zoom Roll Circulate, Here Comes the Judge, Sock it to Me

The application of the "magic" concept to these calls is quite difficult. The person doing the special action (in roller, zoomer, judge, etc.) does the action normally. The other people in the same magic line as that person flip toward that end of the magic line, staying in that magic line.

\syhlines{b2n,g2s,g3n,b3s} \syhlines{g1n,b1s,g2n,b4s}
2 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 4 2
before Magic Zoom Roll Circulate after

Because the magic line is hard to see, especially when everyone is running around, the following cheat might be helpful:
If you are the designated person: Just do the action normally.
If you are standing next to the designated person: Do a normal Slip. Really? Really.
Anyone else: Do a Split Counter Rotate 1/2.