These are general tagging endings, subject to all the usual
revert/reflect stuff.
Tag to the 1/2 position. What happens next can be formulated
in a number of ways, but the commonly used method is:
<ATC> er's Flow: Tandem trade <ATC> er's Flow but Cross it: Tandem Cross Roll <ATC> er's Flow but Criss Cross it: Tandem Trade the Wave
Then, in all 3 cases, do a (normal, not tandem) Slip.
This derives from Linear Flow, which see.
These calls may have been originally intended to be given
with "Cross" and "Criss Cross" modifiers in front, as in
"Cross Tagger's Flow", but it leads to serious ambiguity
if the tagging call is "Flip" or "Loop and Tag".
So the "Cross" and "Criss Cross" modifiers are
always at the end, as in "Flipper's Flow but Cross it"
or "Cross Loop and Tagger's Flow but Criss Cross it".