

Natural is used in this book to mean "any shoulder" or "any hand". From a left-handed miniwave, a Natural Step Thru, Pass Thru, or Turn Thru is a Left Step Thru, Pass Thru, or Turn Thru. From a left-handed 2-faced line, a Natural 1/2 Tag is a Left 1/2 Tag. Hence, a Couples Twosome Hinge could be thought of as a Natural 1/2 Tag.

Cross Over Circulate

Definitions that involve Cross Over Circulate sometimes require one to do it from columns. This is a Circulate and cross into the other column. It arises in such things as [Reverse] Change-O, Trade the Deucey from a starting DPT, or Change Lanes from a 3/4 box.

\sxvlines{b3s,b4s,g4n,g1n} \syhlines{b4n,b3s,g3s,g2n}
3 1 4 2 4 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 4
before Trade the Deucey after

If the #1 person in a column is asked to Cross Over Circulate, the action is a normal Circulate and then cross over, which is just a U-Turn Back. Some people consider this less than totally esthetic, but it does get used in some definitions.

Quarter To Handhold

This term is typically used in a 3/4 tag, after an extend. It means 1/4 in the direction of the miniwave from which you extended. (Replacing the extend with 1/2 Box Circulate would get the same effect.)

Revert and Reflect

These are terms used with compound tagging calls, as in "Reflected Loop and Tag Chain Thru Reaction". They are described in Book 2: Reflect and Revert. Briefly, these actions are performed when the tagging call reaches the half-tag point. For Revert, all Cast 3/4. For Reflect, all Counter Rotate 1/4, in the tagging formation (typically a 2x2 box). Then continue with the tagging suffix.

\syhlines{g3s,b3s,g2s,b2s} \syhlines{b1n,b4s,g1n,g2s}
3 1 3 1 2 4 2 4 1 3 4 2 1 3 2 4
before Reflected Circle the Tag Chain Thru Reaction after