Bob Dylan Concert Program
Here's a program from a Bob Dylan concert I attended in Chicago probably back in late 1963. (There
are some clues to the time frame within the program.) There
are only two pages about Dylan (one is an ad for his two already released albums, "Bob Dylan" and "The
Freewheelin' Bob Dylan". On page 3, you can find what I guess could be called the "program notes."),
but there's also a lot of other folk-music-of-the-times related stuff, including upcoming
concerts, record album advertisements, and some other interesting general ads. Several folk musicians from the '60s
appear within the program. And check out the prices of concert tickets for these pretty popular performers!
Click on any image to see it full size.
Front cover
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8 and 9 (Center pages. Check out those ticket prices!!!)
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Back cover
On page 9 of the above Bob Dylan concert program, there's an ad for "The World
Of Kurt Weill" concert with Martha Schlamme and Will Holt. I also attended that performance and found
its very short program with the Dylan concert program.
Front cover
Page 2
Page 3
Back cover
And finally, here are a few other old Dylan items I found with the two concert
programs above. I'd attribute them, but I have no idea from whence they came.
Album advertisement from a magazine
Short magazine article
Newspaper article. A short review of Dylan's newly released
"The Times They Are A-Changin'".