Cross and Divide

From any line of 4: The centers do 1/2 of a Cross Run to finish on one side of a couple facing out. The ends Quarter Out and get on the appropriate other side of the resulting couple.

The centers control this through their 1/2 Cross Run action. The ends must watch to see which side they are approached from. The call may be smooth:

\phfour{b1n,g1s,g2n,b2s} \phBB{g2w,b1w,b2e,g1e}
1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1
before Cross and Divide after

or not so smooth:

\phfour{b1n,g1n,g2s,b2s} \phBB{b1w,g2w,g1e,b2e}
1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2
before Cross and Divide after