Go First Class

Normally from waves: leads Switch, while the trailing end Circulates and the trailing centers Jay Walk with each other.

\syhlines{b2n,g2s,g3n,b3s} \syhlines{b1n,g4n,b2s,g3s}
2 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 1 3 4 2 2 4 3 1
before Go First Class after

This bears a close similarity to Scatter Circulate, and it is useful to be aware of it. The trailers' part is the same. The leaders Switch for Go First Class and Cross Roll for Scatter Circulate. The usual setup for Go First Class is waves (going to 2-faced lines) and for Scatter Circulate it is 2-faced lines (going to waves.)

One needs to be careful when these are called from other than the usual formation, and resist the temptation simply to do the "obvious" thing. The correct result often involves collisions.

\syhlines{b1n,g4n,b2s,g3s} \sxhBBBBs{g3s,.+.,g2n,.+.,.+.,b1s,.+.,b4n}
1 3 4 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 + + 2 4 + + + + 1 3 + + 4 2
before Go First Class after

This can be used when some dancers are in columns. The #4 of the column is considered a "trailing end" and Circulates. The #3 of the column Jay Walks across the center.

\syhBBBBs{g3s,.+.,.+.,b3s,g2s,.+.,.+.,b2s} \syhlines{g3s,b4n,g2s,b1n}
3 1 + + + + 3 1 2 4 + + + + 2 4 3 1 4 2 2 4 1 3
before Split Phantom Columns Go First Class after